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Required Postings: Governance

Superintendent’s Contract



​​​​​​​Community Relations- Conduct on School Premises


Notice Regarding the Refusal of Entry to or Ejection of an Individual from District Property


The District has the right to refuse entry to or eject a person from property under the District’s control if the person refuses to leave peaceably upon request and:


  1. The individual poses a substantial risk of harm to any person; or
  2. The individual continues to behave in a manner inappropriate for the school setting after having received a verbal or written warning to cease the inappropriate behavior.


A person ejected from or refused entry to District property under this provision may appeal this action by filing an appeal under FNG(LOCAL) or GF(LOCAL).


FNG(LOCAL) FNG — Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances


GF(LOCAL) GF — Public Complaints